Friday, March 6, 2009

Fruit Lingo

Lingo that I've been taught:

Banana: Yellow on the outside. White on the inside.
Asian Americans.

Coconut: Brown on the outside. White on the inside.
Indian Americans.

Lychee: Brown on the outside. You try to be white, but you are really brown at the core.
Indian Americans who try too hard.

I aim to be a papaya:
Asian on the outside. Latin American/mestizo on the inside, with lots of African babies.


  1. I love this entry. I am not trying to figure out what fruit I aim to be.

  2. I'll go for Durian: no style and banned on public transportation in Singapore because of my odor! Hot no?

  3. I tried to explain durian to a friend once and said that it is cross of banana, caramel, avocado, smelling like the strongest of blue cheese, in a sweet and non-fleeing way. Do you have a better (ie less long-winded) explanation?

  4. Durian is like slightly fibrous banana cream pudding that has gone pleasurably rancid. What do you think?
